Individual Therapy Provided to You

Person sitting in counseling office, getting therapy

If you are looking for the experience of getting to meet one on one with a counselor, look no further. Individual sessions are a tailored meeting between just you and the therapist. Our therapists will work to ensure the time you spend is personal and relevant to the stage of life you are in.

What are some common things that my counselor works with?

Reclamation & Recovery Counseling proudly provides services to teens, adults, relationships and families! We are also an Ally to both the LGBTQIA+ and Kink Community. We strive to make all therapy sessions a safe, non-judgemental, and inclusive space no matter how you identify.

Common things that our counselors work with in Individual Therapy can include the following: Trauma, Dissociation, Mood Issues, and Anxiety and Stress. Check out our Blogs Page for more in-depth explanations.

If you are seeking specialized trauma treatment utilizing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, check out our EMDR Therapy Page for more information.

What can I expect to happen in an individual session?

As stated, these meetings will be exclusively held between just you and your counselor. All activities, exercises, and modalities of treatment will solely have you in mind. Depending on the concerns that are bringing you into counseling, typical items that are covered in individual sessions include: acquiring coping skills, providing education about diagnosis and concerns, processing past events, and activity planning for support. At the end of the day, if you are just seeking counseling for a space to vent your frustrations, that is always welcome.

This page is to serve as a guide, to get a better grasp of what the counselors at Reclamation & Recovery Counseling have experience working with. If you don’t see what is bothering you listed above, don’t fret! Feel free to contact us for your free consultation to see if we are equipped to help you! If you have questions about Rates and Fees or other Commonly Asked Questions check out the linked pages.

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