Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy

Reclamation & Recovery Counseling Clinicians takes pride in being trained and able to provide Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy. While originally developed as a practice to use with treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, this approach can be handy in healing any irksome bother you find yourself experiencing.

GIF of paddles used in EMDR therapy for bilateral stimulation

So what actually is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful method of psychotherapy. To date, EMDR has helped an estimated two million people of all ages relieve many types of psychological distress.

EMDR has been very successful in helping people who suffer from trauma, anxiety, panic, disturbing memories, post traumatic stress, and many other emotional problems. Until recently, these conditions were difficult and time-consuming to treat. EMDR is considered a breakthrough therapy because of its simplicity and the fact that it can bring quick and lasting relief for most types of emotional distress.

 What will happen if I do EMDR?

Just as EMDR assists the brain with its natural processing of emotional information, the EMDR therapist assists the client in their healing process by becoming a partner on a journey to release past trauma from the client's nervous system. A typical EMDR session begins with the therapist gently guiding the client to pinpoint a problem or event that will be the target of the treatment. The client calls to mind the disturbing issue or event, what s/he saw, felt, heard, thought, etc., and what the current negative thoughts and beliefs are about that event. The client simultaneously focuses on an alternating bilateral stimulus (ABS) and the disturbing material, and just notices whatever comes to mind without making any effort to control direction or content. Each person will process information uniquely, based on personal experienced

The EMDR technique does two very important things. First, it "unlocks" the negative memories and emotions stored in the nervous system, and second, it helps the brain to successfully process the experience.

Sets of ABS continue until the memory becomes less disturbing and is associated with positive thoughts and beliefs about one's self: for example, "I did the best I could." During EMDR, the client may experience intense emotions, but by the end of the session, most people report a great reduction in the level of disturbance.

Is it painful or uncomfortable compared to traditional talk therapy?

The EMDR treatment can evoke strong emotions or physical sensations during a session. This is perfectly normal and desirable, since the technique works on the negative feelings when they are brought into the client's awareness. However, the re-experiencing of these unpleasant feelings is brief and they will soon leave when the process is completed.

If the client will persevere through the upsetting memories for a short time, s/he will likely be thrilled with the outcome of the therapy. Relief occurs rapidly, and for many, permanently.

Are there Side-Effects to this treatment?

After an EMDR session, there may be a strong sense of relief, a feeling of openness or even euphoria. Some clients may experience physical tiredness due to emotional release. This is a normal reaction to the release that takes place.

From time to time, some clients experience unusual thoughts or vivid dreams that may or may not have any meaning. This is part of the releasing process and should not cause undue concern. Actually, unusual experiences during the time period of the EMDR therapy indicate that it is working. It is helpful to keep a log of those triggers.

Still curious or have more questions about EMDR Therapy? Feel free to contact us for your free consultation to see if we are equipped to help you! If you have questions about Rates and Fees, check out the linked page.

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