Support for Graduate Students in Counseling Programs

Reclamation and Recovery Counseling recognizes the struggles that come with becoming a counselor. Starting in this profession asks a lot of you, and sometimes we don’t always have the support we need. We would be honored to assist you begin your own journey of becoming a healer.

How would therapy help me in dealing with graduate school?

Let’s be honest, the amount of work that is required of you in Graduate School Programs can be overwhelming. Long hours in lectures, 20 page papers, and examination of your practical skills can be draining! On top of that, as a Graduate Student in a Counseling Program, you will more than likely begin to process your own feelings as you prepare to support others. This is a daunting task for anyone! Our counselors have had the privilege to work with local universities to be up to date on current practices to ensure that you receive the best possible support! Whether you want to vent about the most recent test you had, or you need support processing your own trauma, we can be there for you.

Common things that our counselors work with in Individual Therapy can include the following: Trauma, Dissociation, Mood Issues, and Anxiety and Stress. Check out our Blogs Page for more in-depth explanations.

If you are seeking specialized trauma treatment utilizing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, check out our EMDR Therapy Page for more information.

Additionally, we are pleased to announce that we will be offering group therapy services to graduate students as well. This form of therapy will give you the opportunity to meet with other counselors in training and process your feelings in a group setting. These groups will be designed to provide a place of safety and to link with others that also experience common struggles of graduate school programs. Check out our flyer here, for more information.

What can I expect to happen in an individual session?

All activities, exercises, and modalities of treatment will solely have you in mind. Depending on the concerns that are bringing you into counseling, typical items that are covered in individual sessions include: acquiring coping skills, providing education about diagnosis and concerns, processing past events, and activity planning for support.

What can I expect to happen in group therapy?

These sessions are a bit different, as compared to one on one sessions with your counselor. Group therapy is made as a pre-arranged series of 8 meetings on specified days and times. The group will consist of approximately 6 to 7 participants and one or two facilitators. In group therapy, your facilitator may provide a topic of discussion, and encourage participants to share their thoughts and feelings about the matter. Your facilitator may take more of a “back seat” to promote for discussion among participants to occur. Some common topics that are discussed can include: processing feelings about difficult cases, transference/countertransference, imposter syndrome, and self-care as a counselor.

I’m in school though, I can’t possibly afford therapy at this time.

Our counselors take into consideration that most students do not have a disposable income while in graduate school. We are pleased to announce that we will be offering discounted costs for sessions, with a base cost of $75 per session for individual therapy, with sliding scale available. Additionally, if payment plans need to be arranged, that can be discussed with your counselor as well.

For our group therapy services, cost per session is set at $35.

To take advantage of this offer, proof of enrollment in a current graduate program for Mental Health Counseling, Social Work, or Marriage and Family Therapy will be required at the time of beginning services.

This page is to serve as a guide, to get a better grasp of what the counselors at Reclamation & Recovery Counseling have experience working with. If you don’t see what is bothering you listed above, don’t fret! Feel free to contact us for your free consultation to see if we are equipped to help you! If you have questions about Rates and Fees or other Commonly Asked Questions check out the linked pages.

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